Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10 Things I've Learnt at Work So Far

  • If you're not sure about something, better just say "I dunno". Coz I thought I knew, which turned out to be the wrong thing. Outcome = BAD
  • That when you send a letter, you need to stick on a 30cents stamp. Not 20 or 10 cents ya.
  • How to send a letter through a fax machine. Got very confused at first. But all you need to do is just to punch in the number and.... magic..! Haha
  • How to use the typewriter. This ancient machine is still giving me a hell of a problem. Still learning how to overcome my fear of the typewriter. Wonder if there is a word for it.."typophobia?". Just discovered today, that the typewriter had an ON button at the side.
  • Never be afraid to speak your mind when you feel that you're right. Especially when telling some really old and stubborn people off. The downside; well since it's more superior than u, it'll sometimes just make life more miserable for you at the end of the day. Plus, old people, will never admit that they are wrong.
  • How to Bind books. Ooh.. used to suck at this. Now pro already. Dont think its easy. Its NOT!!>.<
  • That every document should have an original, duplicate and a copy. Need so many or not aar? Yes Need. Coz with 3 copies also people will somehow lose it and the poor office people has gotta look for it... even if the transaction was say 10 years ago.
  • Everything must be in black and white. Words from your mouth will never count. And when trouble arises, Who's to blame? U or me?? Of course u lor!!!
  • That some colleagues are fun people :)
  • HOW to LIE. Wanna survive in the working world, you must know how to do this.

Do something you Like for a job, then you wouldn't have to work even for a day.


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