As it may seem a bit sad to do a countdown, I've decided I'm gonna try my best not to count the days.
I am kinda sad. ("I wont even try to deny the fact.") But maybe its just cause this is my first time going "pretty far" away all on my own. In fact, I don't think I've ever gone abroad without mom and dad. See this is what happens when you're too attached to home like me. Always being a mommy and daddy's girl. Becoming tooo "siu jeh" at times too.
So no matter how much I do not wanna go ("I do not wanna leave home so badly right now!!!"), theres a little part of me that is telling me that I must do this. If not, I will never learn to be independent and decide for myself. I'll just be stuck in this phase of life forever!! ("Ok, i'm probably over exaggerating a little, but its kinda true")
But sometimes, I also wish I could runaway from reality. If only I could be like Alice. She went to wonderland when she could not make a decision. Wonder if I could do that too??
Neh.. imagination has gone too far.. Need to come back to reality...
But its never too wrong for one to imagine and dream, right?
Right.. time to snap out of it. Dreaming a little too much at the moment.
10more days to go! =O ("Please, no more counting after this" )